Task 5.2 "Critical Thinking: The Soul Of Communication"

Many times in this world, we have encountered bad arguments with people. However, did we stop and realize what is the reason behind that? Well, the truth is simple. They happened due to the inability to think critically about a situation and see it from a different perspective. Therefore, do you think it is important to learn them well?

Especially in the workforce, it is essential to have the best of both worlds. I believe everyone knows how to communicate, however, is their idea brought across correctly by the other party? That is something else we have to consider and here is where critical thinking comes in. With critical thinking involved, one will be able to look at the argument from another perspective and formulate a more effective response which will help boost the productivity of the workplace as a whole.

Being a leader does not make me anyone special. As a matter of fact, I am chosen to represent my team. Hence, it is important to listen to what my team has to offer and come down to the best solution. Critical thinking will again emphasize the building of my thoughts before I can execute effective communication with my team members. 


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